
Zaragoza 2023: Working together for more balanced views on European livestock

31 March 2023

European Livestock Voice and the Spanish national platform Somos Ganaderia jointly organized an event at the FIGAN agricultural fair in Zaragoza, Spain. The event's objective was to address the present political, economic, and societal challenges faced by the European livestock sector and emphasise the necessity for a balanced discussion.

Natasha Foote, an agriculture journalist from Brussels, hosted the event, which began with opening remarks from José Luis Agüero, the Deputy Director General for Livestock Production and Hunting from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. In his speech, he highlighted the obstacles that farmers are currently encountering and stated that the transformation of Europe's food system should be all-inclusive.

Tassos Haniotis, the keynote speaker, and a former Director of Strategy and Policy Analysis from the European Commission's DG AGRI, gave a blunt presentation on the current "Food market uncertainties and their impact on the livestock sector's prospects." The organizing platforms, European Livestock Voice and Somos Ganaderia, then discussed European and national perspectives on how the EU Green Deal policies might influence the livestock value chain and the ongoing provision of food in Europe.

Click here for more detailed reporting on the event and a link to the recording.

Presentations from the event in Zaragoza can be accessed here:
Tassos Haniotis: Food market uncertainties and their impact on the livestock sector’s prospects

Paolo Patruno: 
The impact of the EU agenda on the livestock chain
Miguel-Angel Higuera:
Views on the EU Green from a national (Spanish) level

Alice Stanton:
Eat Lancet Planetary Diet & Global Burden of Disease


In short:

European Livestock Voice and the Spanish national platform Somos Ganaderia jointly organized an event at the FIGAN agricultural fair in Zaragoza, Spain.