Repvet Group

The RepVet Group is a Working Group of EFFAB.
The WG RepVet is giving pro- active advices to the EU Commission (DG SANTE) regarding the European legislative framework,  as well as technical advices, related to the biosecurity of artificial reproduction of farmed animals, based on scientific knowledge and practical expertise.
Mission of the WG RepVet

The mission of the WG RepVet is guaranteeing ongoing biosecurity on reproduction premises by advising the EU Commission on European legislation regarding all aspects of artificial reproduction of farmed animals (cattle, pigs and small ruminants) aiming the establishment of appropriate, adequate and practical legislation and the uniform implementation and interpretation of this legislation by the Member States.

Objectives of the WG RepVet

In the context of the Mission, the main focus of the WG RepVet is on safe production, safe processing, safe storage, safe distribution and safe use of germinal products by:

  • improving the biosecurity of artificial reproduction of farmed animals in general or in case of a threat by a new pathogen
  • evaluating potential risk factors on health and animal welfare and disease control of donors and recipients of germinal products.
  • recommending adequate and uniform health test methods and test schemes with uniform handling of results
  • aiming the establishment of adequate and practical legislation to guarantee the biosecurity of artificial reproduction of farmed animals considering the interests of the animal reproduction sector;
  • promoting a uniform implementation and interpretation of the European legislation concerning artificial reproduction of farm animals by the Member States;
  • advising the European Commission regarding risk factors created by germinal products to be imported in the EU.


Realizing of the objectives

The WG RepVet will try to realize these objectives by written and oral lobbying

a) directly by way of direct access to the European Commission

b) indirectly by advising and collaborating with COPA-COGECA, and specifically the Working Party Breeding Livestock
Cooperation with other interest groups is part of the WG RepVet policy.   


RepVet Group Board

The Board of the WG RepVet has at least 4 members to be appointed by the WG. The WG RepVet elects a chairman, vice chairman, treasurer and a secretary, which must be installed (formally) by the EFFAB Steering Committee. Chairman, vice chairman, treasurer and secretary are in principal elected for a period of 2 years. Re-election is possible with a maximum of 3 periods of 2 years. Chairman, vice chairman, secretary as well as treasurer cannot be held personally responsible for financial losses unless because of gross culpable negligence.

The current Board:

Kaj Abrahansens– Chairman
(Viking Genetics, Denmark, Cattle)

Xavier Barrera – Secretary
(Semen Cardona, Spain, Pigs)

Anja De Bont-Smolenaars - Treasurer
(CRV, Netherlands, Cattle)

Jane Rasmussen
(Danish Agriculture & Food Council, Denmark, Pigs)

Structure of the WG RepVet

The WG RepVet consists of experienced veterinarians or other experts with knowledge of, or expertise in, artificial reproduction of ruminants and pigs in different Member States. Each member of the WG RepVet is a representative of one or more EFFAB members operating in artificial reproduction of these animal species in one or more Member States. In general, the WG RepVet strives for one representative per specie per country. But it is possible that more than one person of one country can become member of the Work Group. However, per member State, only one vote can be given in case a decision must be voted. Each member of EFFAB has the possibility to nominate a member for the WG RepVet, but can also decide to be represented by another EFFAB member based in the same country. Members of the WG RepVet must be appointed (formally) by the EFFAB Steering Committee.
The WG RepVet can ask specific experts to join the WG RepVet. Also, these members need the approval of the EFFAB Steering Committtee. Members with certain specific responsibilities (external contacts, website etc.) are not appointed for a fixed period but will carry out the necessary activities as they prefer.


For certain subjects the WG RepVet can establish subgroups. The subgroups have an advisory role towards the WG RepVet. RepVet has two permanent Qualivet sub groups (one for ruminants and one for pigs) being responsible for advice concerning processing and quality of germinal products.

Meetings of the WG RepVet

The WG RepVet meets at least 2 times per year or as often as needed to respond adequately on actual developments. At least one of these meetings will take place in the country in which the yearly AI Vets meeting is held. The director of EFFAB is always present in the meetings of the WG RepVet. The chairman of the WG Breeding Livestock of COPA-COGECA is added as extraordinary member and adviser of the WG RepVet.   


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