03 July 2023EFFAB & FABRE TP members gathered in Brussels, Belgium, over the 30th and 31st of May for the Annual General Meeting 2023. During the meetings, we had the opportunity to launch the new version of Code EFABAR 2023, discuss the ongoing revision of the Animal Welfare Legislation, NGTs developments, and presented the communications activities raising awareness about sustainable animal breeding in Europe.
Throughout the two days, representatives from the animal breeding and reproduction sector exchanged with representatives from the European institutions, the scientific community, and other relevant stakeholders in the animal farming sector in the capital of Europe.
The meeting kicked off with an overview presentation of EFFAB’s activities throughout 2022, and our plans for 2023 and 2024.
- Bárbara Barbosa (EFFAB Secretariat) and Trine Vig Tamstorf (Danish Agriculture and Food Council) presented the ongoing animal welfare legislation revision, and initiatives, while also introducing the activities conducted by EFFAB and with other stakeholders at the EU level.
- Another crucial element of the meeting was the presentation by Geena Cartick (EFFAB Secretariat) and Roland Aumuller (EFFAB Steering Committee) to members of the new version of the Code EFABAR - the code of good practices for responsible and balanced animal breeding. The first version was set up in 2004-2005, and we are now finalizing the 7th version of the Code that showcases the commitments of animal breeders to responsible and balanced breeding strategies.
- As part of our communication strategy, the EFFAB’s communications team is continuously working to promote sustainable and balanced animal breeding through EFFAB's new website, social media promotion, articles videos, visuals, and newsletters, among other communications materials.
- Moreover, our members had the opportunity to listen to Petra Jorasch from Euroseeds, presenting the ongoing policy actions in the EU and UK regarding NGTs in plants.
Regarding the Steering Committee of EFFAB, Craig Lewis (Chair, PIC) has been elected for a new mandate of representative of the pig’s sector. We warmly thank Roland Aumueller, who is leaving his Treasurer position in the EFFAB Steering Committee, for all his work, support, and dedication to EFFAB over the years! Sijne van der Beek, poultry representative, will be taking on the role of Treasurer.
Forthcoming, Ashie Norris will also leave the EFFAB Steering Committee, and we are actively searching for candidates to assume the role. Ashie has extensively and thoroughly represented the aquaculture sector in the EFFAB Steering Committee for many years, and her departure will create a void challenging to fill.
Code EFABAR 2023 launch event: “Shaping the Future: Sustainable Animal Breeding in European Farming".
EFFAB and FABRE TP organized an event to explore the role of animal breeders in developing new generations of farmed animals (poultry, ruminants, pigs, aquatics, and insects), how breeding programs have integrated the concept of sustainable, balanced breeding, and how it can continue to evolve to improve the resilience and sustainability of food systems.
The event started off with a keynote speech from Badi Besbes from FAO Livestock about the role of animal farming in sustainable food systems. Badi presented the latest publications from FAO on the topic and the Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation, to take place in Rome from 25-27 September 2023. Additionally, Badi also presented different strategies to cope with climate change and extreme weather events through breeding, and the FAO work on the sustainable livestock transformation initiative – building a more sustainable, efficient, inclusive, and resilient livestock sector for all.
Following the speech, we hold a roundtable moderated by Natasha Foote, Agriculture Journalist from Euractiv, to bring together stakeholders from the livestock and aquaculture sector. During the conversation, Francisco Revriego Gordejo (DG SANTE - European Commission), Alexander Doring (FEFAC), Frank O’Mara (TEAGASC and Task Force), Inês Ajuda (Eurogroup for Animals), David Bassett (EATiP), Craig Lewis (EFFAB), exchanged their point of views about how animal breeding can contribute to improving the sustainability of the European food system.
At the end of the event, we launched the Code EFABAR 2023, the code of good practices for Responsible and Balanced Breeding. This revision comes at a time when animal welfare and commitments towards more sustainable farming, are more relevant than ever. Later this year, the European Commission will publish its proposal to revise the animal welfare legislation and broaden its scope. Code EFABAR highlights the commitments of the animal breeding sector toward sustainability and better welfare of farmed animals. It also shows how breeders have implemented the concept of balanced breeding over the last 20 years.
Check out the press release about the launch of Code EFABAR 2023 here.