Press release

Fabre TP AGM 2022

04 May 2022

EFFAB & FABRE TP members gathered in Évora, Portugal (and online), over the 3rd and 4th of May for the Annual General Meeting 2022.

During the meetings, we had the opportunity to discuss new technologies and their relation with social sciences, the research priorities for animal breeding and reproduction, crisis preparedness and food security, as well as, the ongoing initiatives at animal welfare level and the revision of Code EFABAR for 2023. Throughout the two days, representatives from the animal breeding and reproduction sector exchanged with representatives from the European Commission, the scientific community, and other stakeholders along the livestock and aquaculture chain.

FABRE TP AGM 2022: The role of Research & Innovation - Strategic Research Agenda 2025-2027 and beyond

The 2-day discussions started with the Annual Meeting of FABRE TP and were kicked off by Laurent Schribler (Chair FABRE TP), Laurent set the scene for the discussions and underlined the role of Research & Innovation in the animal farming sector and how genetics can help to achieve a highest level of sustainability. The FABRE TP Board is working on a White Paper to present the views and need for Research and innovation in the field of Animal Breeding and Reproduction. Additionally, FABRE TP is actively collaborating with the other European Technology Platforms, and with EFFAB on 8 different EU Projects.

The first panel session featured, Ana Delicado (CONCISE Project, Lisbon University), Peter Mills (Nuffield Council on Bioethics), Phil Macnaghten (Wageningen University), and Amrit Nanda (Plants for the Future ETP) to discuss the role of science and research and the views of citizens and breeders on science and genetics. The overall conclusion was that increased communication and dialogue between scientists, public authorities and citizens is needed to explain and clarify the role and need for balanced and responsible breeding.

The second panel session counted with presentations from, Ana Sofia Santos (Animal Task Force), David Bassett (European Technology Platform on Aquaculture (EATiP)), Nikos Zampoukas and Valerio Abbadessa (European Commission). The session focused on the FABRE TP White Paper (Strategic Research Agenda for 2025-27 and beyond). Anna Sonesson (Nofima - FABRE TP Board) and Luca Fontanesi (Bologna University - FABRE TP) presented first structure and inputs for this paper from both aqua and terrestrial perspective. FABRE TP Members will be invited during the summer and autumn to provide inputs and participate on the reflection, a small group of insect breeders has also been created.

In short:

EFFAB & FABRE TP members gathered in Évora, Portugal (and online), over the 3rd and 4th of May for the Annual General Meeting 2022.
