Past event

Working together for more balanced views on European Livestock

29-29 March 2023Zaragoza, Spain


What future do you see for the livestock sector in Europe?
How will the EU Green Deal shape animal farming, foods and the value chain moving forward?
European Livestock Voice and Somos Ganaderia invite you to join them at their event in Zaragoza on 29 March.

Working together for more balanced views on European Livestock

Programme – 10:30-13:00
  • 10:30 – 11:00: Welcome coffee
  • Moderator: Natasha Foote, Euractiv journalist
  • Opening remarks: Fernando Miranda, Secretary General, Spanish Ministry of Agriculture (TBC)
  • Keynote speech: Member of the European Parliament (Name TBC)
  • Views on the Green Deal from a national (Spanish) and European level:
    • Paolo Patruno, European Livestock Voice
    • Miguel Ángel Higuera, Somos Ganaderia
  • Roundtable discussion on the Green Deal from a scientific perspective:
    • Frederic Leroy, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
    • Pablo Manzano, Basque Centre for Climate Change
    • Alice Stanton, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland (TBC)
  • 13:00: Networking lunch


Register Here

In short :

European Livestock Voice is a multi-stakeholder group of like-minded EU partners in the livestock food chain that decided to unite to bring back a balanced debate around a sector that is playing such an essential role in Europe’s rich heritage and future.