#BREEDERSTALKGREEN: Healthy and Happy Animals for Sustainable Societies
09 February 2021- Welcome and Opening - Ana Granados Chapatte, EFFAB, FABRE-TP
- Animal Health and Welfare in the Farm to Fork Strategy – Christian Juliusson, Legislative Officer in the European Commission, DG Sante/G5 for Animal Welfare and Antimicrobial Resistance
- Balanced Breeding for Welfare and Sustainability in poultry – Anne-Marie Neeteson, Aviagen
- Balance Breeding for social interactions in pigs – Stefanie Nuphaus, Topigs Norvin
- Reducing the Use of Antibiotics through Salmonid Breeding– Trina Galloway, Aquagen
- Breeding for improved disease resistance in dairy cattle - Lars Peter Sørensen, Viking Genetics
- Breeding Better Bones: Using genomics to improve bone health in laying hens – Dirk-Jan de Koning, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Read the Webinar Report - EFFAB, FABRE-TP Secretariat